Product Update

Now Offering Offline Mode

AidKit's offline mode allows program administrators and outreach workers to securely collect information from program applicants and participants without an internet connection. Once a connection is available, the information is then synced to the AidKit platform.

May 16, 2024

Offline mode operates as a progressive web application, allowing the platform to load and function even in the most remote locations. To protect participant information, the function leverages an additional layer of encryption called Public-Key Cryptography. This form of Asymmetric Encryption ensures that the data remains secure - even if the device is lost or compromised.

To learn more about how this functionality was developed and applied check out our partner Cool Earth's work in the Peruvian Amazon supporting three indigenous communities with monthly basic income. Read the case study here.

New: Offline Mode
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"If AidKit ran all government programs, the world would be a better place."

Jennifer Page
Former Auditor with the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs